Carmel Valley Association is one of the oldest, largest, and most successful community organizations in Monterey County. We are entirely volunteer, with no paid employees. Our mission: To preserve, protect and defend the natural beauty, resources and rural character of the Carmel Valley. We accomplish it by working with residents, businesses, and government.
CVA was instrumental in the adoption of the Carmel Valley Master Plan and recently settled a lawsuit with Monterey County regarding traffic measurement and capping future development on very favorable terms for our valley.
Our volunteer experts represent Carmel Valley's interest, testifying before governmental bodies concerning development, water, traffic, road signs, and other environmental issues.
Our Recent Efforts to Protect Carmel Valley's Quality of Life Include
We keep valley residents informed about important issues and events with our weekly email Bulletin, which is sent to over 1,600 residents, and our quarterly Newsletter, which is mailed to over 7,000 valley addresses.
- Keeping Carmel Valley residents informed of important issues affecting their lives and livelihoods
- Engaging developers, Monterey County officials, and other interested parties about problematic aspects of the design and scope of projects that may affect Carmel Valley residents and visitors
- Working with the county to enforce the current vacation rental ordinance, and to accelerate the timeline for the upcoming Environmental Impact Report and helping and neighborhoods with issues related to existing and planned vacation rentals
- Encouraging fire prevention efforts in our valley, helping communities become Firewise
- Supporting the Dark Sky initiative and dealing with the impact of uncontrolled lighting
- Improving the Boronda Road intersection without removal of historically designated trees
- Encouraging the creation of bike lanes on CV Road – What improvements are possible?
- Limiting event centers, including an unpermitted new center in the lower valley
- Keeping an eye on the possible development of property behind CV Manor
- Encouraging the county to recognize problems created when it diminished the role of the Carmel Valley Land Use Advisory Committee (LUAC), limiting its ability to respond to neighborhood and regional issues such as affordable housing and downstream flooding
- Supporting our cohesive community through annual picnics and themed events
- Maintaining an active Land Use Committee, which meets monthly with county planners, and quarterly with 5th District Supervisor Mary Adams, to discuss valley issues
Member Richard Cheatham has created a new video about our beautiful Carmel Valley and CVA's role in preserving it.
If you live, work, or own property in Carmel Valley, please join us today!
You can have a voice in valley affairs and help protect our valley
for as little as $35 per year!
Conservation Fuel Management Handbook
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English Version
Spanish Version
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In our role as advocate for Valley residents, we document and report problems and concerns that residents encounter and offer assistance in resolving them.
When Fun isn’t Fun, let CVA Know!
Spring is coming faster than ever this year, and before you know it, outdoor fun and festivities will be cropping up like wildflowers. While this is something we all often can enjoy, sometimes too much of a good thing is, well, too much. Many residents have increasingly been contacting CVA needing help with problems tracing to Special Events, with issues ranging from traffic to noise, parking, trash, fire safety and more. CVA is here to help see that your concerns make it to the appropriate county representative and get attention.
You can report incidents or areas of concern by
by David Burbidge
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