Have a Voice in Your Community!

Join CVA and Help Protect our Valley

CVA Committees and Activities include:


    • CVA works to protect the rural character of Carmel Valley.
    • CVA monitors development proposals.
    • CVA advocates for growth that carefully considers impacts to traffic, water, affordable housing, and code compliance.
    • CVA reads, reviews and submits informed comments on Environmental Impact Reports concerning development projects in Carmel Valley.
    • CVA meets monthly with members Monterey County's Resource Managment Agency.
    • CVA meets quarterly with 5th District Supervisor Mary Adams.
    • CVA represents residents' concerns at meetings with following agencies:
      · Carmel Valley Land Use Advisory Committee
      · County Planning Commission
      · County Board of Supervisors
      · Housing Authority Commission
      · Several water related agencies
    • CVA worked with County Code Enforcement Department to finalize a stronger Code Enforcement Ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
    • CVA is working with the County on regulation of short term rentals.


    • CVA attends and participates in area-wide water board meetings.
    • CVA experts do extensive research and report on the Carmel River aquifer and related hydrology, including obtaining independent professional reviews of flood plain issues on the Carmel River. These reports inform State and County officials on local water issues.
    • CVA is working to draft a Land Use Initiative to protect our valley's fragile ecosystem.
    • Volunteer Weed Wranglers regularly remove invasive species from our valley.
    • CVA Organizes "Exploring a Sense of Place" outings.
    • CVA environmentalists review, research and provide essential insight on Environmental Impact Reports concerning Carmel Valley River and advocate for a healthier, sustainable river.
    • CVA supports the Regional Water Plan, with modifications that share the costs equitably.


    • CVA conducts research on traffic studies including GP2010, Carmel Valley Traffic Improvement Program, proposed subdivisions and commercial land use projects.
    • CVA currently opposes the County's needs assessments that justify road improvements based on future approval of new development projects.
    • CVA experts develop standards and provisions to challenge the County's proposal for relaxing traffic standards on Carmel Valley Road.
    • CVA members serve on Supervisor Adams' Road Committee. CVA monitors trail development proposals.


    • CVA's open forums, weekly eBulletin, quarterly newsletter, and annual meeting provide opportunities for community members to become informed, socialize, and discuss local events and issues.
    • CVA helped stop the closure of Rippling River and advocates for responsible affordable housing that serves our community.
    • CVA provided essential assistance in developing the Community General Plan.
    • CVA works with community organizations such as the Carmel Valley Historical Society, Emergency Preparedness and Sustainable Carmel Valley.
    • Our annual picnic and holiday party are highpoints of the Valley social calender.

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and help protect our valley

Our Board of Directors


60th anniversary of CVA newsletter

CVA History

Read the Carmel Valley Master Plan